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Counseling Training

House On The Rock

One Heart Counseling Training

Hosting a One Heart training event...

Thank you for your special interest in hosting a One Heart Counseling Training. We believe there will be God inspired participation in this unique training opportunity and that it will ultimately be a wonderful way to reach the brokenhearted with God’s life changing relational truth! To view video testimonies from previous training groups click button below.

Choose your date possibilities – This training is presented in a Friday evening (6 pm to 8:30 pm) and all day Saturday (9 am to 5 pm) time frame. PLEASE select several possible date options that will work for your group. If you give us several date options usually one will work in our ministry schedule.

Cost per attendee (for training manual and materials) – HRM charges $30 for each person that participates in the training (usually paid by each participant) which the host church must collect and then pay to HRM after the training. This covers HRM’s expenses in providing the One Heart training manual (a very extensive resource) and some additional materials and resources used during the training (HtH cards, name tags, etc.).

Lunch for the trainees – HRM also asks the host church or ministry to furnish lunch on Saturday for the trainees (usually prepared by volunteers or catered and served in the fellowship hall). If you prefer you may add an additional modest amount to the per attendee fee to cover the cost of the meal.

Meals and accommodation for HRM presenter (while there / in transit) - This cost varies depending on the motel / accommodation you typically provide for a guest speaker.

Travel mileage expenses – This expense is to reimburse House On The Rock for round trip travel to the training location. It is computed by taking the round trip mileage distance from Nixa, MO to your training location times the standard IRS per diem mileage rate for 2013 (.565 per mile).

Presentation honorarium - HRM also asks for a presentation honorarium of $400 for presenting this training and equipping experience. However, we joyfully waive this for churches that partner regularly with HRM through their missions giving.

Other considerations …

* The host must be responsible for promotion and registrations. We will also advertise your event in our monthly publication House On The Rock News. HRM provides a promo flyer and registration card that is customized with your event details and e-mailed to you in a digital file. You can easily print the promotional pieces you need using these files.

* We will be happy to talk personally to people considering attending if they have any questions about the content and focus of the training.

As you pray please remember that the relational fruit bearing potential of the trainees that complete this training is virtually boundless! So the expense involved in bringing this special experience to you is minimal and is actually a very wise investment. If you have additional questions please use contact button above. God bless you as you prayerfully consider hosting a One Heart Counseling Training. It is a priceless opportunity!

see samples of promotional resources we provide below

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