House On The Rock Ministries
2005 Russia Timothy Project
St. Petersburg – Russia

In January 2005 God provided an amazing opportunity for House On The Rock to become an international ministry. While attending a Christian Camping International (CCI) convention we were blessed to meet the President of CCI Russia. After sharing how God had richly blessed us in marriage and family ministry in Christian camping settings for over 20 years, he got very excited. He had a burning need on his heart and he was very eager to share it with us! “One of the reasons I came to this convention was to find someone who would come to Russia and teach family and marriage ministry to our camping leaders!” We were struck by the urgency in his voice as He shared, “Marriage and family are on the verge of extinction in Russia today!” He immediately invited us to come to the CCI Russia Christian Camping Leaders Convention in St. Petersburg and teach eagerly waiting Russian camping leaders how to begin desperately needed marriage and family ministry programs at their camps.
Less than a month later we were on our way to St. Petersburg to experience our first international Timothy Project! It was most certainly a life changing experience for us and a real answer to prayer for these Russian Timothys! They are now sharing this training with others and these life changing relational truths are ministering personally to scores of marriages and families throughout Russia! The equipping, encouragement and inspiration God enabled us to sow on these committed leaders continues to reap a bumper crop of godly relational fruit in multitudes of hearts, lives and marriages!