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House On The Rock Ministries

2006 Tanzania Timothy Project

Arusha, Tanzania - East Africa

Tanzania 2006

Our second Timothy Project was in June 2006 to Tanzania, Africa. Again God provided a divine connection for us through Dr. Emannuel Mbennah, the Country Director of Compassion International Tanzania. God provided a miraculous opportunity for us to meet Dr. Mbennah while he was in Colorado Springs. We introduced ourselves and shared about our 25 year history of fruitful marriage ministry and counseling. When he heard how eager we were invest what God had entrusted to us in training Christian leaders internationally for marriage ministry, he immediately invited us to come to Tanzania and launch our second Timothy Project! Just a few months later we were in Arusha presenting a week long intensive training program. God blessed us with a most amazing opportunity to present marriage ministry and counseling training and equipping for couples who serve in TZ as Compassion leaders, project workers and pastors.

  • Our Timothy trainees came from all over northern TZ (Arusha, Dodoma, Singida and Morogora) to join us for 5 days of intensive marriage ministry and counseling training.

  • We trained and equipped 16 pastor couples (from AG, Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican, African Inland Mission and ELC churches) and Compassion International staff couples for effective, deeply impacting marriage ministry!

  • The vast majority of these couples shared that God used this training in a most powerful way to encourage, rescue or transform their own heart and marriage!

  • Kiswahili translations of HRM's To Love & Cherish curriculum and Leader’s Guide were completed, printed and distributed to all of these eagerly waiting TZ Timothys!

  • These newly trained Timothys hit the ground running and immediately began effectively ministering to marriages in their churches and communities!

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