
Who Are We
House On The Rock Ministries is a Christian marriage and family educating, training, and counseling ministry. We are committed to helping people build, strengthen and preserve vibrant, thriving, Biblically found, truth based, heart focused, God honoring, Christ like relationships.
Our History and Mission
House On The Rock was established in 1990 by founders John and Debbie Kiehl. The name of our ministry comes from Jesus’ beautiful word picture in His amazing sermon on the mount, "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock" (Mt 7:24,25 esv). No matter what came against this wise man’s house it stood strong because it had a solid and stable foundation. Jesus then explained that a foolish man chose instead to build his house on sand. This man experienced the same storms but without a strong foundation his house fell with great trauma. The same is true of marriages and families; they cannot be strong and enduring unless they are built on a rock solid foundation!
Everything we do at House On The Rock is based on the truth that God created marriage and family and gave us the perfect foundation for them to be established, preserved and fruitful. We are committed to helping people build their lives, marriages and families on His beautiful foundation as revealed to us in His written word, the Bible.
We provide highly effective ministry and resources to help couples build, strengthen, renew and transform their hearts, lives and marriages. Since 1990 thousands of couples have found refreshing encouragement, critical rescue, timely restoration, biblical illumination and lasting peace and joy through House On The Rock Ministries. We would be honored to serve you, seeking God together for His true answers to your relational wounds and walk with you on your healing journey. We look forward to hearing from you!
For Prayer or Video Conference
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Marriage need critical care?
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House On The Rock Ministries
Building hearts and homes on Christ the Rock